Thursday, November 8, 2007

A sanctuary

Who'd a thunk it? Fifth floor men's room has become a sanctuary!

Perhaps it's the can of Linen & Sky Febreze Air Effects that was generously contributed just hours after the original potty memo went up. Maybe the denizens of the fifth floor are eating better, working out, and living right. But whatever the reason, visits to this blog's namesake over the last 10 days have been almost...pleasant.

The same cannot be said for the fourth floor. (As far as I know, does not yet exist. So I must share my experience here.)

Yesterday afternoon, when I entered fifth floor men's room, the business chamber was occupied. So I decided to head downstairs to use the fourth floor facilities.

It was bad. Not my-coworkers-ate-Indian-food-for-lunch bad but rather did-a-hobo-die-in-here bad. Bad bad.

So I actually climbed the stairs and waited until the fifth floor men's room was free. It was my preferred bathroom.

We've come a long way, baby.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Potty Blogger -
Perhaps a high colonic and USA Today for when you get to the bathroom is what you need to keep you from lingering too long in the business chamber. Life is too short for lingering in the bathroom.

Signed, ex business chamber clogger