Saturday, November 3, 2007

A memo...a cry for help

It all started with this memo:

A Memo to the Users of the Fifth Floor Men’s Room at 340 Brannan St.

Men –

This is, of course, a men’s restroom. One would not expect it to smell of peppermint and lilacs.

But some of you have been doing some real knee-buckling work, lately…the kind of stuff that drives a person to the 4th floor facilities...contributions that make one question a co-worker’s diet…nay, their very health!

Some of you need to get yourselves checked. What’s happening inside these four walls...Just. Not. Right.

How about some “mitigating steps?” Matches? Air Spray? A complete physical? Suggestions are welcome.

We’re all in this together, men.

Which led to this "comment" (which, in the non-blog world means somebody scribbled something in pen on the wall):

Note to Author...

This is some of the finest potty writing that I've seen! You should be a professional! (probably are.) Please post more material. I can stink up the room if it helps inspire you. Do you have a blog?
-- a dedicated reader.

Yes, dedicated reader. I do have a blog. Enjoy.

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