Friday, November 16, 2007

Captain, I need more pressure

Aside from the well-documented nasal assault, another defining feature of 340 Brannan's fifth floor men's room is the complete lack of water pressure.

While this is somewhat inconvenient in terms of the sink (I mean, we don't have to wash our hands every visit, do we men?) it's downright unacceptable in terms of the toilet.

To illustrate my point...

Perhaps you are familiar with Takeru Kobayashi, the Japanese competitive eater who held the world record for hot dog eating for several years. A key element of his technique: he soaks the buns. Dipping them in water makes them easier to digest.

Let's just say that the fifth floor men's room toilet is not a "championship eater" of anything. I think its inability to fully "soak the buns" is a key reason why.

The toilet reminds me of those first generation low-flush water saving toilets--the ones that would simply spritz a turd and call it a day. While the low-flush technology seems to have come a long way in recent years, the plumbing in the fifth floor men's room at 340 Brannan has not.

Apparently, the building manager has tried to pin the lack of water pressure on the city. If that's the case, I shudder to think about those high-rise condos that are going up in nearby SOMA. If you've paid $2 million for a condo on the 43rd floor, you sure want to be able to go #2 in your own home, don't you?

It's gotten so bad, that I've heard rumors of desperate measures--people bringing water bottles with them into the business chamber (and not to quench their thirst.) But "those buns" need it for Kobayashi.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Potty Blogger -
Get the building manager to invest in Class Five flushing technology - - it only needs 1.4 GPF. Of course if the bulding does this, your blog would go away, so perhaps Class Five technology shouldn't be in your future...

Signed, Ex-Potty Clogger