Thursday, May 22, 2008

Are you kidding me?

9:16 a.m. Potty blogger notices that the plunger has been returned. Rejoice!

11:15 a.m. The toilet is clogged. Plunger sits helplessly next to clogged toilet.

Men, the plunger is back...use it! Sheesh.

Seriously, how does one clog a toilet, watch it nearly overflow and then blithely walk out of the stall? Grab the plunger and clear the bowl!

Remember, our fair fifth floor men's room toilet has a finicky digestive system. We need to help it along when needed.

You're need to be like those scientists who feed the birds with the eye-dropper! The plunger is the cotton swab that you may need to gently nudge the seed town the bird's throat.

For those not clear on the rest of the metaphor: The toilet is the bird. Your butt is the eye-dropper.

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