Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Seriously, we NEED a plunger

OK, this is ridiculous.

Yesterday, Potty Blogger came across a fairly typical scenario for fifth floor men's room: "the Easter basket was full of eggs." (Yes, that's a euphemism, but trust me, it's preferable to the stark truth.)

Anyhoo, there is STILL no plunger in the men's room. Potty Blogger had heard a rumor that the plunger had migrated to the fifth floor ladies' room (and really, who could blame it?) So, I asked a female colleague to go on a mission, search it out, and help me return it to its rightful place.

But after a thorough search (they have TWO stalls in there?!) the rogue plunger was nowhere to be found.

Building management, I appeal to you. This is a floor that needs a plunger. The suction power of 340 Brannan's fifth floor plumbing is equivalent to an asthmatic 6-year old girl sucking through a cocktail straw--it just doesn't do the job. Please, get us the equipment we require.

1 comment:

Bano blogger said...

I agree whole heartedly Potty Blogger. Quite frankly, it's bordering on criminal that a facility as heavily trafficked (with some heavy duty traffickers mind you) and with such poor suction is devoid of a plunger. We're talking about a plunger here people; one of the most rudimentary yet essential tools known to man. While we're at it, how about something to clean the inside of the bowl? The combination of a weak flush and low water line can be nightmare inducing. We really need a back-up solution. How about an industrial high pressure hose? Or, one of those heavy-duty pump action water guns?