Thursday, March 27, 2008

Too much Easter candy

This has been a tough week, smell-wise, for fifth floor men's room.

On Monday, someone dropped a "three-senses bomb." (Named so because it assaulted three of the five senses.)

And, in an unfortunate coincidence, it was the same day that we ran out of Glade Air Infusions - Refreshing Springs. The offender could have maybe sought out a match or something...but no.

Crimes committed in fifth floor men's room fall into two categories. An "orange alert" is a crime that affects only the patrons of fifth floor men's room. A "red alert" is a crime that impacts visitors to the fifth floor as soon as the elevator doors open. Monday was a "red alert" day.

(Just FYI, a "double red" is an incident that affects multiple floors.)

Then yesterday, Wednesday, it seems that the offender hand not yet finished all the candy in his Easter basket, because he struck again. But after Monday's attack, potty blogger made sure the bathroom was stocked with Professional Strength Lysol (a hospital disinfectant-deodorant.) That was the difference between an "orange" and a "red" incident.

We must be vigilant, men. Take care of yourself. Eat well.

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